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Breakfast Naan Chicken Pizza...

Breakfast + Pizza = The best meal of the day!

This is a simple recipe that requires 10 minutes prep time and 10 minutes in the oven. Only!

Because it is for breakfast, naan bread is the easiest no fuss way to go, but if you have left over pizza dough or don't mind a little extra time preparing for breakfast, go for it.

I used to feel a little twinge of guilt when i would make a naan pizza with a full sized naan bread, i would eat half and put half away but keep going back to it for a little more until it would be all gone. One day i walked into my neighborhood grocery store and i found mini naans and now i can enjoy mini pizzas whenever, guilt-free!

1 Naan Bread

Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast - Cubed or Cut in Strips

1 Egg

Marinara/Pasta Sauce

Olive Oil

Truffle Oil (Optional)

Bell Pepper


Mozarella Cheese

Herbs de Provence


Salt & Pepper

Brown chicken in a pan for 3 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent uneven cooking. Take it off the heat and set aside.

Pre-heat oven to 375F.

Prep naan by spritzing with truffle oil or brushing on some olive oil.

Coat with marinara/pasta sauce. I found this jar of roasted peppers in my neighborhood grocery store so i decided to give it a try and i love it! ...and it is not hot, the label is misleading.

Season with herbs de provence, a little garlic powder and a pinch of salt.

Start to layer your chicken, peppers and onions around your pizza base, leaving a "well" in the middle.

Crack a whole egg into the well and season with a pinch of salt and cracked bell pepper.

Bury it all under a mountain of mozarella cheese.

Pop into the oven and bake for 10 - 12 minutes depending on how well you want your egg cooked. Top with some Parmesan cheese and dried parsley.


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